Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am in the process of creating a doll website.
Im in the deep ocean though , because i am still figuring out what i would like it to include..
I am collecting,(or rather playing) with dolls for the past ten years, i have thousands of photos,props, dolls, i have made a lot of customizing, sewed, created dioramas, jewelry, frankendollied and body swapped almost every poor doll that had the bad luck to end in my workshop.

I feel i need to do something with all this ..ehm.. experience?
I have a flickr account and i am really happy i created it cause it gave me the chance to communicate with so
many doll lovers , photographers and designers, i have learned a lot and had the chance to express myself
through photography.
But it is not handy for what i have in mind.
It is a lot more social ? i don't know exactly how to put it. When i post a set of pics there i am doing it having in mind that all my flickr friends are going to see it immediately. So i am oriented on posting things that i find would be interesting to  a kind of audience. They are "mine", of course, seen with my eyes and taste and point of view.But sometimes i feel i am limiting myself by doing  "popular" subjects.
If with flickr you go and show everyone what you're doing, with a website i feel its the opposite.
You do whatever it is you wanna do your way and people come to visit if they feel like it.
You have lots more of control to built the exact image of you and your point of view.
Very much so because it is structured. Sooo much more than flickr and blogs.
Thats why one like me, a control freak that is, finds it perfect!
Big challenge. Too much work.
And the most terrifying...big commitment.!

i will stop here for now and will post just a couple of pics of the "collection" part of the .site to be!